Clingy Satan

What an incredibly fun topic to talk about, right? I know it’s heavy, but personally, it is something I deal with quite a lot. I think Satan has become clingy if you ask me. Does anybody else feel as if they have been personally victimized by Satan himself?

I find myself going through different highs and lows through my walk in faith quite a lot. There will be some months where I am pouring into people, shepherding, giving, and worshipping. On the other hand, there will be weeks where I don’t even attend church (insert horror gasp). However, I always try to remember that life happens.

It’s okay to be human! Jesus knows each and every one of us inside and out. He knows our hearts and will leave the ninety-nine. I somehow always find myself crawling back to him and craving his presence. I just have to remind myself to get back to doing the things that filled me with his presence.

Whenever I stop hearing or reading the word of God I am more weak to the temptations Satan surrounds me with. My personality even changes. I get irritable easier and more susceptible to negativity. It just goes to show that I need Jesus in my life and that is how it will always be.

Authentically Yours,

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