Taming that Dang Tongue

My oh my.

Ever been so busy that all you can ever do is talk about how tired you are?

Welp. That’s me.

I’ve been so weary lately that I haven’t even had time to sit down and have that appointment with God every day. Guilty as charged. And here I am wondering why I haven’t felt God’s presence lately. It’s cause Satan has been keeping me so busy!

There’s been a passage that has been brought to my attention twice. That being said, this means that God is trying to get my stubborn attention. He’s probably up there waving his hands like crazy right now.

The passage was James 3:1-12

At first, when I read this the first time I was like okay…..I need to be careful with what I say. Got it.

However, when I read it the second time on a different occasion, God was saying, “No sweetie, really read it.” So, I really read it and then BOOM. There it was.

“Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?” This was really convicting. I’ve been trying to be two people. I’ve been trying to be a positive, encouraging and uplifting person when I’m around the right people. However, when I’m around family or friends I tend to be more negative and complain about all of the responsibilities I have. I can’t be a positive and a negative person. I can’t be both fresh and salt water. I must try my best to tame my tongue because it is what leads me to be who I am.

This will be my hardest challenge and the Lord knows that I will need His strength to do this. I challenge you to be aware of what your tongue says throughout the day and take note of how it affects your day and others.

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