Heartbreak Series pt. 1

First things first, no matter how much pain you are going through God has a special plan for you. I know it’s hard to hear that when all you want to do is cry and scream “why me?”

That’s okay. Scream at God. Yell and cry at him. Be vulnerable and real to Him. Show Him how you really feel and purge it all out.

When you get rid of all the tears, imagine it as you’re making room for more joy in your life. It’s not going to be easy by all means. There will be days that you will feel finally okay and then there will be nights where you ugly cry all over again. That is totally normal.

However, remember God is in the driver’s seat of your life. There is a reason for everything that happens in our life. It’s incredibly frustrating that we may not know the reason right away, but that’s what trusting is.

Trust in God that what he is putting you through right now will lead you to greater things in your life. He can shatter things but also heal with his hands.

As long as you keep your faith in the Lord and pursue in Him each and every day, He will fill those holes in your heart. He gives you everything you need. Keep that chin up because He has amazing things planned ahead of you!

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